LATICRETE is committed to the communities around the globe and is proud to sponsor local community events and organizations.
Our purpose is to improve the built world and the lives of those who build it. We believe strongly in being good corporate citizen and contributing to community groups, families and charities.
A few of the charitable contributions supported by LATICRETE and our employees:
These are a few charitable contributions made by the organization and its employees in time, resources or funding:
- ‘r kids, Inc.
- 4H Club
- A.B.L.E. Ministries
- ABMA Foundation
- AIA - CT
- American Cancer Society
- American Heart Association
- American Red Cross - Raleigh
- American Red Cross - South Central CT
- American Red Cross (Hurricane Harvey 2017)
- Amity Animal Rescue Fund
- Amity Athletics Booster Club
- Amity Football - Golf Tournament
- Amity Football - Spartan Challenge
- Amity Hockey - Golf Tournament
- Amity Jr. High School Student Folder Program
- Amity Jr. Statesman of America
- Amity Regional High School - Amity Hall of Honor
- Amity Regional High School - People
- Amity Regional High School - Scholarships
- Amity Regional High School - Spanish National Honor Society
- Amity Wrestling Team - Golf Tournament
- Angel Fire Balloon Rally
- Animal Haven of Greater New Haven
- Anti-Defamation League
- Appalachian Mountain Club
- Artspace New Haven
- B’Nai Jacob - Library
- B’Nai Jacob - Playground Fund
- Beecher Road School
- Bethany 175th Anniversary
- Bethany Athletic Association
- Bethany Boy Scout / Cub Pack Troop 931
- Bethany Clean Energy Task Force
- Bethany Cub Scout Troop 59
- Bethany Democratic Town Committee
- Bethany Family Day
- Bethany Garden Club
- Bethany Historic Society
- Bethany Horse Show
- Bethany Land Trust
- Bethany Library Association, Inc.
- Bethany Lions Club
- Bethany Lions Club - Annual Car Show
- Bethany Nursery Group
- Bethany Parks and Recreation Dept.
- Bethany Summer League
- Bethany Volunteer Fire Dept.
- Bethany Volunteer Fire Dept. Ambulance Corp
- Bethany Volunteer Fire Dept. Auxiliary
- BethWood Softball League
- Be The Match (Woodbridge, CT)
- B'Nai Jacob - Congregation
- Boy Scouts of America - CT Yankee Council
- Caring Bridge Organization
- Celebration of Hope
- Center for Dzogchen Studies
- Chamber Music @ Bethany, Inc.
- Colorado College Development Office
- Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
- Community Foundation of Greater New Haven
- Community Fund for Women and Girls / CFGNH
- Community Health Charities of CT - Charity Ball
- Connecticut STEM Foundation, Inc.
- Connecticut Women’s Hall of Fame (CWHF)
- Compassionate Community Services, Inc.
- Connecticut Forest & Park Association
- Crossroads Community Church
- CT - Pub. Broad Sys, Inc.
- CT State Police
- CT Women's Hall of Fame
- Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
- Dana Farber Cancer Institute / Peter McKeon
- Devereux Glenholme
- Dwight Hall at Yale
- Eagle Project - Andrew D'Ambrose
- Eagle Scout Project
- Educational Center for the Arts
- Emory University
- Ezra Academy
- First Church - Woodbridge
- First Giving
- Fitzie Foundation
- Food & Latex Allergy Awareness Group (FLAAG)
- Friends of the Bethany Library
- Fumiatti Golf Tournament
- Gateway Community College
- Girl Scouts of America (Bethany)
- Goodwin College Foundation
- Grassroot Soccer
- Green Mountain Club, Inc.
- Griffin Hospital Cancer Center
- Griffin Hospital Capital Campaign
- Habitat for Humanity of Greater New Haven
- Hadassah Wepawaug - CT Valley
- Harvard Business School Fund
- Healthnet Foundation (Formerly IOS)
- Hecht, Hershy
- Hecht, Rabbi
- Hole In The Wall Gang Camp
- Hope Community
- Hubbard Family
- Huntington Disease Society
- Int'l Festival of Arts & Ideas
- James Leach
- Jamie A. Hulley Arts Foundation
- JCC of Greater New Haven
- Jeremy Saxe Annual Volleyball Tournament
- Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven
- Jewish Home for the Aged
- Jewish Historical Society of Greater New Haven Inc.
- Juneau Jewish Community Center
- Junior Achievement
- Junior League of Greater New Haven
- Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
- Knights of Columbus - Trinity Council 5467
- LAM - Lymphantioleiomyomatosis
- Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
- Mana Family, The
- Marble Institute of America (MIA)
- March of Dimes
- Marine Parents
- Marlboro County School of Discovery
- Massaro Community Farm, Woodbridge, CT
- Master Wholesale - Blake Adsero
- Mishkan Israel Day Camp
- Miss CT Jr. Teen America
- Mount Holyoke
- National Conference for Community & Justice CT - MA
- National Multiple Sclerosis Society
- National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS)
- New England Ballet Company
- New Haven Hebrew Day School
- Notre Dame High School, Fairfield, CT
- Oak Lane Country Club
- Pathfinder Club - Waterbury Alpines
- People to People Student Ambassadors
- Pompano Beach (FL) High School
- President's Society - Appalachian Mountain Club
- Quota International
- Read to Grow (Books for Children)
- Run for Chris 5K
- Russ von Beren Retirement Party
- Sacred Heart Academy
- Saint Francis of Assisi
- Saint Martin Academy
- Sal Semmonella Scholarship Fund
- Seeds of Peace
- Shriners Hospital
- Sleeping Giant Pony Club
- Southern Connecticut Hebrew Academy
- Special Olympics CT / Bethany Troopers
- Taste of the Nations
- The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
- Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance / The Rothberg Institute
- U 16 Boy's Soccer Team
- United Way of Greater New Haven
- University of Connecticut
- Vermont Christian Education Foundation
- Veterans of Foreign Wars
- Victor Advertising Service
- VT Christian Education Foundation, Ltd.
- Watertown Youth Hockey
- WMCA - Branford
- Woodbridge Human Services
- Woodbridge Library
- Woodbridge Lions Club
- Woodbridge Park Association
- Woodbridge Police Union Local 362
- Woodbridge Recreation Department
- Woodbridge Running Company
- Woodbridge Teen Center
- Woodbridge Volunteer Fire Association (WVFA)
- Woodbridge, Town of (Concert on the Green)
- Working Lands Alliance
- Yale - Women's Health Research
- Yale New Haven Hospital Gala
- Yale Peabody Museum Gala
- Yeshiva Shaar Ephraim
- YPO Foundation

3rd Generation Rothbergs Thank 40-year Distributor
They recently celebrated the grand opening of their new Seattle showroom - a dazzling space, with a memorable event!
LATICRETE & YALE Surgical Fellowship in Uganda
LATICRETE is proud to sponsor a multi-year surgical fellowship where the Yale Medical School trains Ugandan surgeons in a specialty.

LATICRETE Sponsors Girls' School in Ghana
The owners and employees of LATICRETE are committed to "doing good" as we "do well"; Making the world a better place than when we got here.

LATICRETE Donates to Trinity College Five Year Project in Tanzania
LATICRETE is proud to support, in the form of a substantial donation, Connecticut’s Trinity College Engineers Without Borders (TC-EWB) student chapter.
Click on the events and sponsorships below for more information:
- LATICRETE Supports Local Representative in the 2018 Pan Mass Challenge Cancer Fundraiser
- First Tee Goes to The 2017 Presidents Cup Golf Tournament
- LATICRETE Supports Peter McKeon in Pan Mass Challenge Cancer Fundraiser
- 3rd Generation Rothbergs Thank 40 year LATICRETE Distributor
- LATICRETE / YALE Surgical Fellowship in Uganda, East Africa
- Bricklayers and Allied Craftsman Local No.3
- Peter McKeon of LATICRETE Participates in the 2016 Pan Mass Challenge
- LATICRETE Donates to Joni & Friends Warrior Family Retreat Program
- LATICRETE Donates to Wounded Warrior Project
- LATICRETE Contributes to Harvard Business School
- LATICRETE Contributes to Green Mountain Club
- Thanks from Amity Storm
- LATICRETE Team Helps Firefighters On Moreton Island
- LATICRETE Donates to MS Walk
- LATICRETE Donates to A.I. Prince Technical High School Project
- LATICRETE Sponsors Girls' School in Ghana
- Earth Day Fair
- Peter M. and Matt S. of LATICRETE Participate in Pan Mass Challenge
- LATICRETE Donates to Trinity College Five-Year Project in Tanzania